Several contributions possibilities are offered for the symposia:

Article Submission: Submit an article to the IFAC Mechatronics journal and present it at a symposium.
Regular Paper: Submit a regular paper to a symposium.
Invited Paper: Submit an invited paper through one of the designated sessions.
Extended Abstract: Submit an extended abstract to a symposium.
Workshop or Tutorial: Organize a workshop or tutorial.
Workshop or Tutorial Presentation: Present at a workshop or a tutorial session.
Invited Session Organization: Organize invited sessions.

For each submission, the contributor should decide whether it aligns more closely with the Symposium on Mechatronic Systems or Symposium on Robotics and submit the manuscript accordingly. Following the event, authors of chosen regular and invited papers will be invited to expand their work for a special issue of the IFAC Mechatronics journal.

Article Submission to IFAC Mechatronics journal with presentation at the symposia

Authors are given the possibility to submit an article to the IFAC Mechatronics journal with an option to present at one of the two Symposia if accepted. Accepted articles will not appear on IFAC-PapersOnline, instead it will be published on the regular issues of the journal.

All submission under this category will follow the standard procedure of reviewing of the IFAC Mechatronics journal. Moreover, authors are invited to carefully follow the Guidelines when preparing their manuscripts.

– Submission should be at:
Deadline: December 1, 2024.

Regular papers and invited papers

Regular papers and invited papers will have six (6) pages length limitation. Each page beyond six (6) will incur an additional overlength page charge at the final submission. The maximum number of pages is eight (8), i.e. the number of allowed extra-pages is two (2).

All papers must be in PDF format, written in English, and prepared following the IFAC format available at the following page: .

Contributors of Regular papers and of Invited papers can also download the templates at the following links:
     . Latex template for regular papers and invited papers
     . Office template for regular and invited papers

– Submission should be at:
Deadline: December 15, 2024.

All accepted regular and invited papers will appear on the Symposia preprints. Moreover, they will be published online at IFAC-PapersOnLine Proceedings Series (open access, ISSN and individual DOI assigned, indexed in SCOPUS, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and other databases) under the condition that they will have been presented at the Symposia by one of the authors.

Following the event, authors of chosen regular and invited papers will be invited to expand their work for a special issue of the IFAC Mechatronics journal.

Extended abstracts

Extended abstracts will have a length between two (2) and four (4) and will undergo peer review. An extended abstract can be a contribution from Industry, from academics, or from students. It can be a discussion paper, a preliminary result, a description of a project with highlight of the innovation from the latter…

Extended abstracts will appear on the Symposia preprints but will not appear at IFAC-PapersOnLine Proceedings Series. The same templates than for Regular/Invited papers shall be used (see section on Regular papers and invited papers).

– Submission should be at:
Deadline: December 15, 2024.

Organization of Invited sessions

Participants are encouraged to organize Invited sessions. An invited session is a session of specific topics or area which fall in the scope of Mechatronics or of Robotics.

The organizers of an invited session should submit a pdf-format proposal with the following information:
      – A title
      – An abstract of the invited session proposal, between 300 words and 500 words
      – List of the organizers
      – The name and email of the corresponding organizer
      – List of at least five invited papers. For each invited paper, the following data should be given: invited paper title, list of authors, corresponding author, abstract.

– Submission should be at:
Deadline: December 10, 2024.

Organization of Workshops/Tutorials